This is Me
*KL, Malaysia
*Online during free time
*Dreams big but small actions
*Not smart XD
Keep it flowing
Lately the gang has been hanging out in the pool area hitting balls with wooden sticks. Max is getting very good at it already (he has been good since the start =.=). Liz still needs to aim *XD*, Choc Jun is also slowly getting it, ee laine is hitting them balls, and I, well i need to learn more! There is not much to be said. This week was more about pool than anything else. Got to know 2 girls from penang. Got to know more about Yee en, Aaron and michelle. Lately everyone is emo-ing as well and i am not sure if I should join them =P. Ah well, life's a bitch who cares. Oh yea, Visited Lim Kok Wing yesterday and boy was it HUGE.. from the outside of course. Inside wasn't really spacious because the routes leading from one place to another seems to be eating you up. Thanks to michelle (me personal guide yesterday) I think I got the whole place memorised and would know where to find you guys the next time I go there. =) I guess thats about it. Adios for now and hope there will be better days coming. *stupid exams* Eres mi cancion de la mañana Eres mi Motivation de la tarde Eres mi Estrellas de la noche Eres mi Angel por siempre ♥
Labels: 2 months. Te quiero Dii
A more detailed biography here.
Bubblez (My Dog)
looking at people XD
To make my parents proud
Travel the world
My own hotel
Going back to costa rica
A life supply of foods XD
links here(:
Editor: /rac♥
Background: stinkkyy
Layout/Coding: Mary
Inspiration: xanga livejournal
Host: 1 2
Lately the gang has been hanging out in the pool area hitting balls with wooden sticks. Max is getting very good at it already (he has been good since the start =.=). Liz still needs to aim *XD*, Choc Jun is also slowly getting it, ee laine is hitting them balls, and I, well i need to learn more! There is not much to be said. This week was more about pool than anything else. Got to know 2 girls from penang. Got to know more about Yee en, Aaron and michelle. Lately everyone is emo-ing as well and i am not sure if I should join them =P. Ah well, life's a bitch who cares. Oh yea, Visited Lim Kok Wing yesterday and boy was it HUGE.. from the outside of course. Inside wasn't really spacious because the routes leading from one place to another seems to be eating you up. Thanks to michelle (me personal guide yesterday) I think I got the whole place memorised and would know where to find you guys the next time I go there. =) I guess thats about it. Adios for now and hope there will be better days coming. *stupid exams* Eres mi cancion de la mañana Eres mi Motivation de la tarde Eres mi Estrellas de la noche Eres mi Angel por siempre ♥
Labels: 2 months. Te quiero Dii